Are to promote and stimulate interest in the bimota marque.
This will be achieved through the following processes.
1. Membership by invitation only.
2. Meetings at Local, National and International levels.
3. Attendance of the Circle at high profile shows. BI Annual Rimini visits.
4. Organised ride outs both National and Continental.
5. Access to bimota spares and high quality reliable servicing at reasonable prices.
6. An International Historic register to enhance the provenance of each and every bimota motorcycle.
7. The Circle will co-ordinate between country ownership clubs.
8. To communicate factory developments, new models etc. to the bimota circle.
9. To increase bimota ownership but maintain exclusivity.
10. Bimota service agents to be awarded the triple bimota circle when approved by the Circle.
11. Valuations will be provided for insurance purposes.
12. Exclusive range of leisurewear.